Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Hello All!
by ihunt ini figure it's about time that i stop silently lurking around this community and actually add to the conversation, so here goes a first post.
a little about me-i was born "half-in", that is, my mother has been a witness for the entirety of my life whereas my father has never been.
i was an active part of the congregation (at least for what an unbaptized publisher can do) until i turned 18 and got an opportunity to attend a university (go school!).
Village Idiot
Hi there ihunt! -
How many of you actually "contributed"?
by Garrett inguys,.
don't tell the elders, buuuuut, i sorta kinda maybe never contributed money....ever..... i always thought - hey, i give a lot of my time and energy to the org, so that's how i contribute.
i was also pretty stinkin poor for most of my life and didn't really have the money to give.. anyone else like me?.
Village Idiot
@ a watcher: "I participate on this forum to get info that I can't get from the JW's."
So the devil has more to tell you about your religion than Jehovah does?
Why do I suddenly want to start reading JW literature and going to Kingdom Halls?
by yogosans14 inis good calling me back or am i just letting my emotions get the best of me?also i really want to be closer to my jw family.
btw i was never baptized and i consider myself a born again christian i go to a baptist church and wath televangelist and i have expirenced gods presence like never before but sometimes i get fearful and think "what if jws are right and i'm wrong" than i'm screwed!but if there wrong and i'm right it doesn't look to good for them.. i would prefer if nobody posted "god isn't real" type comments.
i truly believe he is real but i respect why some are atheists..
Village Idiot
"...I get fearful and think "what if jws are right and I'm wrong" than I'm screwed!but if there wrong and I'm right it doesn't look to good for them."
This is the general attitude of fundamentalist religions whether they're Baptists of JWs; God is like a demented and harsh schoolteacher who will kill you if you don't get his doctrinal i's dotted and t's crossed. Then brutally tortured throughout eternity because you accepted the wrong teaching. Or the JW god who will simply "destroy" you forever because you did not warm up a Kingdom Hall seat.
I think you need to question both.
Village Idiot
Phizzy: "But how many JW's does it take to change the light bulb ?"
Village Idiot
Don't worry, they'll change the light bulb sooner or later. -
why report more partakers?
by rebel8 inof all the threads here about the number of partakers increasing, i don't recall theories as to why they report this.
they could stop reporting numbers altogether or lie.
instead they say, in essence, "our teachings about end times and heavenly hope are still wrong"..
Village Idiot
The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. -
Ever Think About This One? Another Bible Contradiction
by freemindfade in8you must not make for yourself a carved image+ or a form* like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.-deuteronomy 5:8. .
18 you are to make two cherubs of gold; you will make them of hammered work on the two ends of the cover.+ 19 make the cherubs on the two ends, one cherub on each end of the cover.
20 the cherubs are to spread out their two wings upward, overshadowing the cover with their wings,+ and they will face each other.
Village Idiot
In the Muslim world ISIS is the most strict in its interpretation of what constitutes 'idolatry'.
They have destroyed monuments and tombs of revered Muslim martyrs. They refer to those Muslims who pay homage to their saints and martyrs to be "rock worshippers".
what is the best line to say to a JW handing you an invite to the memorial
by nonjwspouse ini have some ideas, but want more to choose from..
Village Idiot
I overturned your Memorial table with the emblems 35 years ago. Where is your Memorial going to be held? -
The Bottomless pit is CERN Rev 9
by artcritic inrev 9 : 1 and the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and i saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; 2 he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft.. this is the fifth trumpet .
when the pit or well is opened it says , and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft .
now for something to darken the sun from the viewpoint of earths observers it must be some incredible event.
Village Idiot
Fossil fuel plants make a lot more smoke than nuclear reactors even if they were to melt down. -
POLL: Will You Be Attending The Memorial & If You Are---Why?
by minimus ini was just invited.
i thanked my old elder friend and he left.
(i'm not going).
Village Idiot
Last time I went to one of those I tipped the table the wine and crackers were on. Seriously.